Sunday 3 February 2013

What On Earth Are Freckles?!

Blemishes, spots, blots, flecks, Sommersprossen, dots, or specks, call them whatever (whatever floats your boat- well I don't mind!) but this little entry is dedicated to the things called freckles.
Not many people have them, so they are never really thought about. But me, well I have grown up with freckles and they are every bit as apart of me as my kidney or big toe! I've had freckles, as have the majority of my family (well except for Hannah, who appears to avoided the 'sun fairies') For the most of her life.
Me! wow, I was a chubby child, well here you can't actually see the freckles all that well, but they are there, promise!
I thought, seeing as freckles are a daily part of my life, I might as well do a little research into what they actually are and here is a brief little summary for you!
Freckles are actually little clusters or groups of skin pigmentation called melanin, but in concentrated doses. 
(Here I am with on of my friends Sophie  with make-up the freckles are less visible, but when I go bare they are very identifiable!)

Another name for freckles which I have never come across until writing this blog is 'ephelis' Also I found this little snippet of information interesting: 'freckles do not have an increased number of melanin producing cells (melanocytes). This is in contrast to lentigines and moles' So people cannot tell me I have moles on my face! yay! I now have the capability to prove that my freckles are indeed, uhh... well... freckles! *does a little dance around the room* So in one summarised point freckles are the things you have when your skin contains a bodily chemical in excess! Go skin!

While living with freckles can have its upside, such as making me unique and I guess occasionally they look pretty, especially in the sunlight.
But as anything they also have their downside! It can be very tricky (in my experience) to find a suitable foundation, like many other freckle-clad girls out there, i want to find one than can even out skin tone with some coverage, without completely covering my freckle- which i have yet to find. Unless you already have, and if you have you will be saving me endless bottles of foundation by letting me know :) Also freckles go hand-in-hand with pale skin, so in the summer I will almost always burn whilst doing everything I can to prevent this! 
Here is me (again) as an example, with my freckle-less (but beautiful) freckle sister Hannah. I love her face in this, she reminds me of a little tweety bird...
Ohh, hi Hannah!

But at the end of the day, in comparison all those negatives are very minor, I love my freckles as they make me who I am, and always provide the base of a dot-to-dot joke! 

So my question to you is: what is your opinions on freckles?

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