Wednesday 20 February 2013

Capturing Moments

I'm that type of person who likes to document things. Also I'm a bit of a hoarder, I keep all of my old fashion magazines, simply to create mood boards or scrap booking. I keep lots of little sentimental things that take up room and frustrate my parents. But I love it when you look through old stuff and remember back, it's like a little memory bank! Especially pictures, the weirder or more spontaneous the better, pictures can hold so many memories, feelings and good or bad times, i guess I enjoy taking photographs, and that I have no reason for.
So heres a little collection of silly photos and snapshots that I really like looking back on! I just really wish I had Instagram (I'm too jealous of my sister who is constantly sharing her photos). Do you have Instagram?

Ellie G!

Blue bear-Magnified

Oh Hey look a duck

All to beautiful                    

capture the moments

Well, gosh, so many photos! For that I apologize, I may of got a little carried away. But hey, each of these have a meaning or story. If one day you decide to come back on this page, being the curious creatures we are, I may share those stories, but if you choose not to come back, I understand. I'd have to think about that too!


  1. Nice pics,love your cute cats.^^
    I like your blog.
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.;)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  2. Hey, Thankyou so much, means alot! followed you! I love your long hairstyles entry (Cara Delevigne!)
    Cheers, Beth x

  3. Thank you so much for the follow.^^
    Follow you back on bloglovin #2.
    Lovely greets from germany

  4. thats okay! thanks for taking time too read my blog! greetings from wales too :)
