Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Sibling Tag

I have so many siblings that when it comes to sibling rivalry we have all had our fair share. But then you get to the good part. The list is endless, I wouldn't even be able to fit them all onto this blog entry, there’s the sense of guidance, love, fun, messing around, protectiveness and so much more. Your brothers and sisters will one day become your best friends! It sound so cheesy and cliché, trust me I know, but its every bit as true now then it was a few minutes ago. They are the ones who have seen you at you highest, most exhilarating points and the ones that you want to forget: the heart wrenching times were you become this vulnerable mess.

But the things I always think of when I think of them is all the memories, good and bad, but especially the crazy, unique and downright mad ones.
Well here goes, a short and brief run-down of the crazy people I share some genes, but a whole box full of life memories with! *gives a little sigh*

So here is little Nia Grace, the youngest of the bunch (I thought I’d start with the youngest, like I we did when we argued over who got to go first in games, (never me obviously… pfft) She is the little blonde cutie pie. But don’t let her fawn-like green eyes or angelic smile fool you! She is the cheekiest, but funniest of us all. She is definitely original, and constantly pulling out jokes to us from nowhere, at the vulnerable age of five. She personifies the ‘little dancer’ and is fanatical about anything remotely Disney Brave related. You will almost always see her pulling her comedic faces, telling jokes or dancing for her ‘prince’. She will even do your hair if she’s in a good mood. N’awhh.

Next up, closely after Nia, is not so little (more like tall giant -model in the making, blalala) Rhianna Hope! She follows closely after Nia in age (she’s six and seven in July) but not much else! She’s just as crazy and fun, but she holds completely different interests. Rhianna is very much a tom-boy when it comes to toys and has a remote control truck that she likes to ram into mine and Hannah’s room as a form of entertainment (which believe it or not gets a tad annoying after a while!) She has crazy long, dark brown hair- which at one point, which I hate to admit, used to get stuck in her trousers…ermmm, and light blue eyes and a few freckles like me. This is where it gets strange, she loves all gadgets tomboy, but also you can find her nosing in the pages of my Vogue magazines and telling me to re-post all the ‘pretty fashion, flower and girly’ photos on Tumblr. And even weirder she likes Ellie Goulding and Tipping Point- which is a show about coins for adults. She’s every bit as normal as the rest of us.

This is where the huge age gap is, because the next sibling in this household is 15 year old Abbey! Go Abbey! She is the closest to me by age and the most hyper. She the animal loving free spirit, anything adventurous is her all over. With her ambition to go into the vet profession, I think she will go far! As well as collecting snails together we used to hide in each other’s beds and sneak out to the ice-cream truck with the rest of the troops (sorry mum…dad) She takes after our mum, with me and Hannah and the rest, in the artistic side of things. She is the dark beauty out of us and has dark eyes, hair and freckles, but the one thing I love is her ability to not care at all about what anyone thinks of her.

THEN THERE’S PLAIN OLD- face pulling ME! The stalk delivered me to the wrong house, who are these people?

Up next is Hannah Banana (okay, not her real name, but oh well) She is 19 years old and is the bargain hunter out of us lot; she should just be your personal shopper already, got it? Good. It’s hard to say what colour hair she has, because I haven’t seen it without some sort of dye for a while now, well okay it’s the same as mine, and I may have exaggerated on the dying point… She has dark eyes like Abbey but hardly to no freckles, but she is every bit as beautiful. She has one of the best music tastes of people I know and introduced me to The Paper Kites. A bonus thing about Hannah is that she doesn’t just laugh, she does the full works, cries, dribbles, keels over… this one time, there was this toe hair… wait, *uncontrollable laughter* I can’t go any further. And lastly and obviously the most important, she is my personal wardrobe!! Hah.

Then there was Lissy (the one in black). Alicia,’ how do I even began to describe up Alicia Parsons… this one time she punched me in the face… and it was a-w-e-some’ sorry, couldn't resist the mean girl pull-quote. Alicia actually looks scarily like my mum, with her freckles and blue eyes it can be hard to tell them apart. One time I was mistaken into thinking that she was driving the car, not my mum, and almost had a heart palpitation. Out of all us girls she has the most make-up. And yes, she has the most clothes. It’s like taboo to even open her wardrobes. (Unfortunately, it’s not Narnia, I know, that is sad) Well you can, if you want to run the risk of being buried alive in a mountain of fabric. So by all means go ahead. Also out of us she has done the most sports! You will almost always find her making a blanket or doing something glittery and colourful.

Lastly and most unfortunate (seeing as he is the only boy), is my brother Samuel. Congrats Sam on surviving life with us lot! I'm just glad we haven’t mentally damaged you, whew. For me he was and is my guide. Yup, he’s my big brother in every sense of the phrase. He is like Abbey in the sense that her doesn't care to much about what others think and will live his life how he chooses. I always find it fun to be with him, I have so many memories with him, such as when he used to run in the rain and thunder to show us it wasn't scary at all! He is always having fun and always looks out for his younger sisters. At 22 he has his own beautiful family, a fiancé Leonie, a beautiful crazy, crazy son Ben, and also another little baby on the way. I am so proud of my brother and love spending every moment I get with him! Just like all of them.

Now I tag all you bloggers or social net-workers to share a little something (or a big something) about your siblings, why not? 

Thanks for reading this far *high five* no, seriously, thanks, I guess I don’t really know why I wrote this, a whim I guess. Well there you have it, you practically know my family too well know, want to move in? Yes? Well okay then, see you in a few!

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