Friday 8 February 2013

Hair Envy

Ever since cutting my hair short I have had serious hair envy, well okay even long before then. I guess it's one of those things I can't help, I will always want someone else's hair style. So I thought I'd put together a little mood board/list of hair I wish I secretly had. But the reality is I'll just sit here willing my hair to grow, and that I will wake up with perfectly styled hair.Which is too to much to ask...clearly...
My first picture of inspiration is Zoella! I love her hair too much and the length is just gorgeous, too late for a head transplant?

Next up is the Olsen's ever-changing hair. The main reason i love their hair is purely because they pull off the boho/bead-head look so well! Something I could never do! The fact that the have an incredible sense of style just adds and adds.

They're like little chameleons,  I mean what are the chances of them pulling off the pastel look too?! (if I said I was only a little jealous I would be telling a lie from the pit)

Okay I'll admit that one of the reasons I chose this one is pure;y based on her beautiful floral hat. But also this season I am loving the straight harsh cuts you see more often, the addition of the plait and waves gives the cut a softer more feminine feel.

Once again long hair, I know, but I can't help myself! This is my friend Emma and I hold serious hair envy over her! Even when she has it in a loose bun it never fails to make me see red!

This was only short, but there you have it, a little snippet of hair I love this winter/spring which is causing me to rage out in hair anger and envy... So is there any hairstyles, colours or cuts you have been coveting recently? I think if any girl said they weren't coveting a little something of someone else's hair, they could quite possibly be telling a little fib, well I would be if I said that!


  1. We have the same problem... lol xx

  2. really! whew i'm not the only one! it's such a pain, i love your blog by the way! xx
