Wednesday 6 February 2013

I Bought A New Nail Polish: George's Mint Polish

Okay not that exiting I know, but I thought I'd share it anyway! As we all know painting nails can be a tedious task, but the end result is always rewarding. Personally I think coloured nails can add to a whole look and I enjoy finding out what shades people have been wearing.

Unfortunately I haven't had the money to by a really good quality polish so I thought I'd try out a cheaper one and see if it lives up to the higher price (and supposedly better quality) nails polishes out there. Whenever I walk to school I will usually have a little browse in some shops to pass time. I was in Asda and this is were I stumbled across my latest by, priced at only £1 I couldn't just leave it be, could I? Although I was sceptical about the quality at that price. But I got it anyway.

Another bonus is that I found the colour I've wanted for a while and picked up a beautiful blue, almost mint- green polish (did I mention it was beautiful?) called 'smarty pants'. Odd name I know. On the bottle it said it was quick dry, and painting it on while writing this blog is proof it is! Thanks George! Although I must admit it needed a few coats, but I find some polishes, no matter what the price usually do, so this didn't bother me all that much. So here is the final result!

Sorry for the bad quality, I seem to have misplaced the charger for the camera *sobs quietly in the corner*
I have ghost hands, attractive.

What I'd like to know is if you have ever found any really good quality beauty bargains and would you ever by something so ridiculously low-priced it seemed like a myth to be any good?

I feel like I should say thanks to Ted for helping with this blog, cheers Ted!

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