Friday 22 February 2013

AS Art and Clay

So here in Wales it's half term, this is basically a week off half way between our school term. Being in year 12 I have exams coming up, so to catch up I took a little trip in to my schools art department with my friend Emma, basically just to get some art coursework done. As much as I hated the early start (up at 7am! *exaggerated yawn*), I enjoyed it when I got there.
Me and Emma never take photos seriously! She came with me to finish some art.

Luckily we weren't in school for too long and we had the chance to catch a train to Cardiff afterwards, whew! So we got to work on our clay, it was too messy to handle, but as I was with Emma we had a laugh which made it bearable.

This is the pot I've made for the coursework side of my course, its based upon India. The ripples in the clay are to represent the flowing fabric of Indian sari's, and the details are inspired  by Indian Mehndi and Henna designs! (excuse the paper cup- it's to hold the handle up while it dries)


  1. Hey, you are really crafty!!!)))Looks nice!
    Xo Ann

  2. haha thanks! all finished now too! i'll have to upload the finished photos! love you blog too- especially the new york poster entrys- vintage! already followed! :)xx
    bethkara xx
