Friday 1 February 2013

25 Facts About Me!

Right, this is the first ever blog entry I have attempted, so I'm a novice, and am laying my cards on the table. So I thought I should start but spilling 25 random things about me on these pages. Righty whoo, here goes nothing...

  1. My first name is Bethany, which I actually don't like all that much. 
  2. I have a slight (*ahem* *cough* *cough*) okay more than slight obsession with anything Ellie Goulding, Charlie Simpson or The Paper Kites related.
  3. I can't hold a note for toffee and all windows will surely crack if I ever musically expressed myself.
  4. I have never actually gotten drunk before, only experienced the warm, dizzy feelings.
  5. I was born a natural strawberry blonde or ginger, if you prefer, but my hair has a mind of its own and has darkened its tresses.
  6. I am one of seven children- it is NEVER a boring day for sure.
  7. I am the 'quiet' girl, but then you get to know me...
  8. Me and one of my sisters, Abbey, used to collect snails and put them on the table as a home.
  9. I'm from a rainy town called Bridgend in South Wales.
  10. My School has over 2,000 pupils, it's like a jungle, but that;s all the more fun, right? *tumble weed rolls by*
  11. My fixation with chocolate is still prominent- as ever- right at this minute.
  12. I'm like any others who's car journeys escalate in to fanatical music videos.
  13. The idea of growing older scares me, but excites me at the same time.
  14. I have blue eyes, pale skin and freckles, yawwwnnn.
  15. My Brother Sam, is the only boy of all us girls and, I guess, he's my guide, as he's the oldest of course.
  16. For A-level I chose to take art, media, welsh and religious studies. anything academic bores me.
  17. I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to art, I just love the way you can express your feelings as well as tell a story, and that's only the beginning.
  18. I'm a die-hard Bronte and Austen novel fan, but I'm weak for the occasional Vogue or Company Magazine.
  19. I'm a sucker for fudge, i don't know why but it's lush (for all those who don't understand my fickle welsh expressions, lush is the odd way of saying amazing! <3 )
  20. I am a re-born again Christian.
  21. I'd love to think that when I'm older I'll take all the opportunities to go travelling.
  22. I'm blessed to be alive- when i was younger I almost died, I had a fatal Blood infection and breathing issues from prematurity.
  23. For me the best part of a cooked dinner is the roast vegetable, predictable I know
  24. My dream job at the moment would be make-up for film and television- this I can't even explain.
  25. Lastly and most boringly (sorry!) I don't actually look like your 'typical' welsh person. My pale skin, light hair and light eyes are all from my Scandinavian ancestry.
Truth be told that was like pulling teeth, my mind was boggled! Well if you read this far *HIGH FIVE*!!  :) personally I have been mentally drained and bored from the first word. thinking up these facts was surprisingly difficult and reading back i realise they're quite boring, but hey, I guess you learnt a little bit about a stranger today! Cheers and HWYL (bye in welsh- sorry couldn't resist) x.

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