Monday 8 July 2013

Monday Moment #1

(We took advantage of the photo booths)

Monday moments can always be a day filled with tired eyes, moaning and obviously the Monday blues. But being the first day of the working week (Yes, Sunday is the START of the week of course, but that's still counted as part of the weekend right?!) Mondays can mold and shape how you feel and how the rest of the week pans out.

So I'm hoping to form a habit of making Monday a positive day and sharing that with you.
Today was the perfect day to start, it was lovely and sunny and me, my sister and dad went for some retail therapy and a cheeky McDonalds (not exactly healthy but hey-ho). 
So basically you guys should all try and get out and about when it's sunny, given Britain's slight disposition regarding the weather there is all the more reason to take advantage- slip, slap, slop, the sun cream and soak some rays- it's been proven that the sun boosts levels of serotonin - the body's natural happy hormone, and increases our absorption of Vitamin D! 

This is my little pooch Ted, he even has is own Twitter for you to follow haha!

My sister bought this purse from Domo Bags, I absolutely love the aboriginal print and bold red colour.

Dad on a scooter (aka road rage)

fangirling over Despicable Me 2, I mean who doesn't want a minion in there life right?!
(T-shirt can be found in this post)

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