Friday 19 July 2013

Devon 2013: Day #2 OOTD

Day two was busy again. But the weather was beautiful, I had my family and a stunning town, what else can I need *cringe for the sickening cheesiness*. 
We took the chance to go to a local castle and explore the gardens, vintage arcade games, and absolutely beautiful interior design. I'm a complete fool when it comes to old fashioned houses and lifestyle, sigh.

Me (right)- Shirt: Select, skirt: Primark, Sandals+bag+necklace: New Look.
Hannah (right)- Shirt: New Look, shorts: Primark, belt: Select, shoes: Store 21.

We viewed a Light show originally invented in the 1920's.

The castle was filled with vintage and classic memorabilia.
This Old Bell system used to alert servants reminds me of Dowton Abbey!

Vintage arcade games and machines.
The fudge (homemade!) was delicious too.

I fell in love with this spade and trowel sculpture, it reminds me of Claes Oldenburg's work.

The gardens were like a dream or fairyland!

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