Wednesday 1 October 2014

Teatime On A Budget

A lot of people my age have gone to university. It's definitely a time filled with fun, making memories but also a time filled with no parents to look after you. These past two weeks me and my sisters has been away from home looking after our friends puppies (as above) and were in charge of foodly duties and shopping- scary *breathes deeply*. One meal we made was very cheap and very much surprised our lack of culinary skills. CURRY!
I'm not fussed on curry but i loved it so i'm sure you will two. We simply cut aubergine and sweet potatoe into similar size chunks and roasted with a tea spoon of oil until soft (medium-high heat  for about half an hour.) We then microwaved some Uncle Ben's wholegrain rice and heated Sharwood's jarred korma sauce in a pan and stirred in the roasties! SERVE AND YOUR DONE. SO QUICK. 
After being healthy we then ruined it with the delicious pots as pictured above from Waitrose. All 100% natural. I chose sticky toffee pudding, Harry Potters favourite pudding ♡ 

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