Wednesday 8 October 2014

Night Time Product I Can't Live Without

This product I nabbed in a body shop sale. I've never really been one to spend money on skincare but I have this desire that has recently ignited to look after my skin so when I take of my make-up (yes I may look tired) I'll have the best skin that me and my body can achieve. So I'm taking baby steps. At £2.50 I practically ran to the checkout with this product. For me my oily skin has always been an insecurity. I would hardly miss a day with no make up. I'd only ever moisturise when I remembered and was hesitant thinking my skin would get super oily too quickly but those little dry patches made me get up and do something about it too. I thoroughly recommend this product. It is The Body Shop's seaweed clarifying night serum. It wasn't greasy when I put it on, it was clear with no perfume or bad odour, it was perfect for me. I new the seaweed would cleanse and the serum formula would hydrate and balance my skin. I love that it is great for sensitive skin and that the ingredients are all fair trade. 

So if I am unable to ever find this product again please, please, please can you let me know what you use and why you love it so much as I want to create a little catalogue/blogpost for all of you to get your opinions out there and have a place where you can find honest reviews for different products! 

Please get involved and contact me through the comments, 
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I want to interact and natter with you all. I love to make friends, chat to me even if you don't want to share a product!

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