Thursday 25 September 2014

Septemper Makeup Look

This month I've really been embracing the change of weather, and of course makeup to follow suit.
I'm not a person to wear make up every day but when I do I try not to wear the same thing every day. I don't spend much on make up either so I just make the most of whatever's rattling in my box.

My favourite look is one with eyeliner with I haven't worn in a while and won't wear if im doing natural makeup, teamed with a berry lip.

To start I use toner to remove any dirt, and conceal using the Collection concealer in 001 and cover using Rimmel Better Skin Foundation.  I have quite rosey yet pale skin so I use bronzer to contour and ad warmth. Then fill in my eyebrows using the Collection Brow kit (2.99- bargain!) And then use the light shade over my lids. Eyeliner is next followed by lipstick (alway teamed with a neutral eye) in Revlon's Black Cherry. I've always struggled putting dark colours on so I learned to use a firm thin brush and the lipstick to line my lips and fill inwards with he brush too. Then put on the stick as normal. I hope you like the look!

Ps. I thought I'd try out a new syle for me with this High neck jumper from newlook. I'm telling myself if you like it wear it!!!

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