Monday 15 September 2014

Autumn's Almost Here.

Today it really sunk in that autumn is here. The weather was warm enough to venture out the house without a coat. But this evening, you can see by the photo that is was sunny but a little chilly.

So at the moment I've been looking for full time work as I haven't decided whether to go to uni or not. Also as we're moving near Porthcawl we set off and started searching, (me and my sister that is) whilst enjoying an ice and lemonade at the Seafront hotel in the process.

This is Hannah on the right :)

The weather was so beautiful and with a view to match I had a great morning.

This week me and my sisters are looking after our friends puppies so we had to visit today to sort it all. The puppies have grown so much! I'm determined to feature them in a post in the next two weeks that we're caring for them. But my favorite part of the day was visiting The Body Shop and I actually bought something,  for the first time ever there!!! Yes that's true I've never purchased anything from the body shop. But there 30 percent off on three items and 40 percent off when you get four seemed to good to be true! Yet it was and I caved. This is what I got;

p.s I love that the bags are good for the environment!

I know many people hate this scent but I love it. It's quite strong so should last all through work.

This second one I'm a little worried about, I have oily skin and have been using biore charcoal face wash which has been super and my pores have shrunk. But moisturiser makes my face greasy *sad face*. This serum claims to moisturise skin whilst helping combat oily skin. Lets hope it works!  Anyone tried it and knows it's results??? Let me know in the comments or on twitter ♡♡♡

Lots of love,

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