Tuesday 21 October 2014

Bare Faced and What

Blogger and Youtuber Zoella (Zoe Sugg) has long been an advocate for skincare. She is known for her well put together makeup up look, but recently stressed that she does not wear make up every day. She also started a twitter trend of #BareFacedandWhat. I scrolled through all the tweets related to it and was flooded by beautiful no make up selfies and favourited loads. It was so refreshing and i was inspired by this. It has helped me be confident without makeup and reminded me that God loves us without makeup too (i love makeup as much as the next person as it is fun, but hey have a day off!) And reminded me of Luke 12:7

"Indeed the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows"

I love this verse. To look after my skin I use the above products to keep it clean and hydrated but not to oily.
happy Tuesday! Much love ♥

Friday 10 October 2014

Time is Precious

I always feel im wasting my time away sitting and doing nothing. Then time just escapes me. But the time I remember most is not the wild night on twitter etc. Note my sarcasm. But the treasured night with friends and family. I'm the worst for prioritising but I'm trying and I hope you are too. Make the most of people around you and make the beat memories. Just like how I treasured the time Emma made for me to come and see her ♡
She's gone off to uni and I'm so proud. Plus I get to travel on train for a short  time to see her. We called our best friend Jemma and we just caught with each other and made plans to see eachother. I met her flatmates and had the best time I'll never forget. So thankyou emma ♥

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Night Time Product I Can't Live Without

This product I nabbed in a body shop sale. I've never really been one to spend money on skincare but I have this desire that has recently ignited to look after my skin so when I take of my make-up (yes I may look tired) I'll have the best skin that me and my body can achieve. So I'm taking baby steps. At £2.50 I practically ran to the checkout with this product. For me my oily skin has always been an insecurity. I would hardly miss a day with no make up. I'd only ever moisturise when I remembered and was hesitant thinking my skin would get super oily too quickly but those little dry patches made me get up and do something about it too. I thoroughly recommend this product. It is The Body Shop's seaweed clarifying night serum. It wasn't greasy when I put it on, it was clear with no perfume or bad odour, it was perfect for me. I new the seaweed would cleanse and the serum formula would hydrate and balance my skin. I love that it is great for sensitive skin and that the ingredients are all fair trade. 

So if I am unable to ever find this product again please, please, please can you let me know what you use and why you love it so much as I want to create a little catalogue/blogpost for all of you to get your opinions out there and have a place where you can find honest reviews for different products! 

Please get involved and contact me through the comments, 
via email at Bethanny.kara@gmail.com
Via Twitter @b3thkara
Via Facebook
Via Tumblr
or even via Instagram

I want to interact and natter with you all. I love to make friends, chat to me even if you don't want to share a product!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Teatime On A Budget

A lot of people my age have gone to university. It's definitely a time filled with fun, making memories but also a time filled with no parents to look after you. These past two weeks me and my sisters has been away from home looking after our friends puppies (as above) and were in charge of foodly duties and shopping- scary *breathes deeply*. One meal we made was very cheap and very much surprised our lack of culinary skills. CURRY!
I'm not fussed on curry but i loved it so i'm sure you will two. We simply cut aubergine and sweet potatoe into similar size chunks and roasted with a tea spoon of oil until soft (medium-high heat  for about half an hour.) We then microwaved some Uncle Ben's wholegrain rice and heated Sharwood's jarred korma sauce in a pan and stirred in the roasties! SERVE AND YOUR DONE. SO QUICK. 
After being healthy we then ruined it with the delicious pots as pictured above from Waitrose. All 100% natural. I chose sticky toffee pudding, Harry Potters favourite pudding ♡