Monday 16 March 2015

Feeling Inspired

A big fan of You tube I was sad when Ella Grace Denton vanished. But following her on instagram I soon discovered she has her own blog. A very very different one too! I love the fact that it is son her own. It isn't filled with the latest make-up or fashion but things she fills her life with, such as veganism, styles, DIY and recipes. It's honest and intriguing. For me her DIY post on a simple yoga routine  has been so useful. I don't believe in the spiritual side of yoga (inner-meditation) and she hasn't pushed that to her readers. Just a simple routine, something to inspire her readers to try something new, something that she enjoy's. It's been super useful to me as her step by step instruction have come in handy rather than just some photos to try and figure out. So if you have a moment I implore you to stroll on over to We Need To Live More.   

Hope you enjoy her blog as much as I do, tell me what you think.

x Beth x

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Tea Obsession

It may possibly be because I'm British but it comes as no surprise that I'm a big lover of tea. I don't know what it is but I just can't go a day without it. I used to just limit myself to just plain tea but now I love green tea, Assam and Chai etc. My obsession of tea has now even spanned out to tea cups. As far as even fantasizing about designing my own range. So how quaint that this post should be dedicated to just looking at a bargain Fine Bone China mug (£1.25 down from £5- thank you vm Waitrose). Not only is it very pretty to drink from but it supports the worlds leading museum of art, Victoria and Albert Museum, London. *So I hope these pictures thrill you as much as they do me* she says sarcastically....

p.s. for those interested the design has been adapted from the wallpaper created by Lewis F.Day (1845-1910)

Love often,     Beth    xxx

Lack Of

Recently I have learnt a little something about myself that has really started to annoy me! I have like zero motivation or commitment. I will start something and not finish, and its starting to make me feel down. For a good example, this blog. 
I'm so inconsistent with it! I'll have a small bout of inspiration/aka prioritizing time, and then I'll just stop. And I don't know why, Laziness maybe? Another example is my health and wellbeing. I think to myself 'come on beth, lets do some exercise and eat right from now on, future Bethany will thank you for it'. But alas that little pep talk will only spur me on for, I don't know, a few days. Then I'll be sat there chocolate in hand and then get very angry with myself later.
 It's the same with wanting to quit sugar (thanks Sarah Wilson for inspiring me). I know how bad it is for me yet I lack the motivation to continue. 
I know this post sounds drab and a teeny bit negative but I needed to vent. Maybe writing this out will help me realize that i need to set goals and pray more instead of trying to do things on my own.
I'm writing it to somehow express to everyone the questions, WHY are we so darn hard on ourselves?
we are are worst critics of course. WHAT can I do to end this helpless self destructive cycle? Please send help because it's leaving me defeated and feeling all annoyed.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Healthy Cake Pop Recipe

Hello! This post is a little late because I've been trying to play around with my blogs template with little success (sigh), but better late than never right?! So recently me and my sisters have wanted to bake something a little bit healthier than normal- so we opted for a sugar free sponge, with the only sugar being in the dark chocolate glaze. On that note does anyone have any recipes for a sugar free cake pop covering/dipping sauce? The recipe is not my own but I've tweaked it slightly as it is originally for fairy cakes, but the best thing about it is that you can change it to suit your tastes and what you want :)
It's super simple and uses most ingredients you find in your cupboard. I bet you're thinking stop babbling and get on with it, so here goes;

First thing you will need to do before anything else is add the lemon juice to the milk and let it sit together for five minutes before you start the rest of the recipe- p.s. maybe now is a good time to chuck on your favourite song and preheat your oven to 180'c/ 350'f.

Numero twooo, blend your eggs and stevia, I found it easier to use an electric whisk on a low setting. male sure you do it for five minutes, boring I know but the music should ease the pain!

Now it's about time to chuck in all of the flour (I added two extra tablespoon as i found the mixture a little gooey when cooked- but do whatever floats your boat), almond meal, baking powder, vanilla (the recipe originally said one teaspoon but I found two was better), butter (softened), and sour cream/yogurt. oh and of course give it a big stir.

By now you probably think I've forgotten about the funny milk mixture from the beginning? well now's about right to tip it in the cooking pot! - stir gently at this point.

It is now the fun part! pour you mix into the cake pop molds (I found a syringe easier to dispense for less mess). Cook in the oven for 18-20 minutes until the skewer pressed in the middle of the cake to see if it cooks comes out clean. Let it cool before decorating and pushing in your pop sticks, I used melted dark chocolate, but feel free to use whatever you want i.e. icing, candy melts, white chocolate sprinkles etc.

I hope you enjoy making these, but most importantly I hope you enjoy eating these!

Thursday 29 January 2015

Feeling Positive

Very recently I've tried to be positive at the start of each day, and if I feel negative then I take time to dwell on it but then move on. Today was no different!  I had quite a lazy morning followed by my review in work, sigh. But after me and my sister went to Happy Days Vintage Home Store in Cowbridge (Wales). This made me super happy. Not only was it an amazingly priced vintage store which gave me serious home inspiration and envy, but slap bang in the middle was a cafe. A cafe with amazing food- we both had cheese and brown bread toastie and salad with a latte, two great minds think alike haha. The service was absolutely amazing and our server gave is a free cake at the end. I can't wait to go back.
I'm not all for consumerism but just dwelling in a place filled with homemade work gave me a sense of happiness and ignited my love for art again. Plus I got to spend time with my sister who is starting her new job soon. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Anyhooo this is just a post for photo browsing. Something to fill your need for vintage, colour and quirkiness.  If you like what you see google them! They have an online service too :) click here for that :)
Ps my fave thing was the bear tin saying 'do more of what makes you happy'. It's a great mantra and really reminds me of Ella Grace Denton's blog. 
Tomorrow me Hannah are gonna get creative and make healthy (sugar free sponge) cake pops with our little sisters. I'll share the recipe with you tomorrow!!! ♡♡♡