Thursday 29 January 2015

Feeling Positive

Very recently I've tried to be positive at the start of each day, and if I feel negative then I take time to dwell on it but then move on. Today was no different!  I had quite a lazy morning followed by my review in work, sigh. But after me and my sister went to Happy Days Vintage Home Store in Cowbridge (Wales). This made me super happy. Not only was it an amazingly priced vintage store which gave me serious home inspiration and envy, but slap bang in the middle was a cafe. A cafe with amazing food- we both had cheese and brown bread toastie and salad with a latte, two great minds think alike haha. The service was absolutely amazing and our server gave is a free cake at the end. I can't wait to go back.
I'm not all for consumerism but just dwelling in a place filled with homemade work gave me a sense of happiness and ignited my love for art again. Plus I got to spend time with my sister who is starting her new job soon. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Anyhooo this is just a post for photo browsing. Something to fill your need for vintage, colour and quirkiness.  If you like what you see google them! They have an online service too :) click here for that :)
Ps my fave thing was the bear tin saying 'do more of what makes you happy'. It's a great mantra and really reminds me of Ella Grace Denton's blog. 
Tomorrow me Hannah are gonna get creative and make healthy (sugar free sponge) cake pops with our little sisters. I'll share the recipe with you tomorrow!!! ♡♡♡

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