Friday 31 January 2014

Barry M: Pastels For Spring

Spring is headed our way as winter starts to fade (in a cold, bitter manner- sigh). This means that colours we wear will change. Spring reminds me of fresh, clean, pale and pretty colours; so that is what I'm expecting!
I've already spotted colours I really want to try and wear. My favourites being fresh pale pink and blues (like a spring sky) and baby mint green. (abso fave! It's so fresh!). What's your favorite spring colour?
My bid to wash the winter blues and slowly start the transition to spring is through nail colours, easy peasy. 
My best friend Emma (my style icon and budding artist!) Knows my love fr nails and brought me a perfect pastelly pink polish.
BARRY M :) *they also do a lovely sky blue. Mint green. Stone greys and more*

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