Wednesday 15 May 2013


This Monday was my birthday and I turned 17, for me that was quite scary. The day was a mixed bag, but overall it was fab. I got three AS level exams out of the way and got to spend time with family and some pretty amazing people. Even better is that I am going for a meal soon to properly celebrate too. I was so spoiled that day and this is what I was given.

One of my friends Sarah (click here for her twitter!) knowing how much I love Vogue bought me this months addition and a card, I love it! 

These are just some of the cards I was sent, the one from Roisin made me giggle! (The one with the meerkat)

My other good friend Emma bought me some awesome presents too, I received some bubble-gum fizzy bottle sweets; panda, koala and melon socks, and a beautiful owl necklace! 

Basically this post is my way of saying thank you to everyone for what I received and to share me turning 17!

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