Friday 11 October 2013

How To: Triangle Nail Paint

When painting nails, one block colour can often be boring. I often see friends with highly decorated nails and want it, but I have none of the nail tools or kits they use. *sigh* 

So I was determine to use something you would find around the house to make my nails look better. 

Firstly I painted them with Revlon's nail enamal in Charismatic-610. And to make the clean line for the triangle? I used cellotape! When I was sure my nails were completely dry, I cut little pieces of tape and placed them on each nail on a little slant. I used this line guide to pointed the other half of my nails using Sinful Colours polish in white. When I had painted one nail, pealed the tape of straight away.

 Then the same for the rest. And voila! 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Review: Maybelline Baby Lips

So hearing and seeing the hype surrounding Maybelline Baby Lips I have been coveting it for ages and only just got it today. I got one whilst shopping in Boots (UK super drug store) when my good friend Sarah bragged about hers.

On a good note there was lots of choice. But that made it so much harder to choose! I was stuck between an original (clear) blue tube or the cherry orange tube. In the end I went eith y favourite smell, cherry. At £2.99 it was perfect.

On, the colour was subtle but give just the right amount of tint. It smelt lovely and felt nourishing and soft too. The only downside was that it didn't taste fantastic if you accidently licked your lips.