Monday 29 December 2014


Good morning!!!! Ahh this morning was so frosty and pretty, and if I'm honest I think it's the closest thing to snow we're going to get. *sad face*. Do you have snow yet, if you do tell me all about it in the comments,  I'm so jealous and need talks of weather mishaps to sooth me!
For Christmas me and my sister both got bikes, which I'm so thankful for. But I never realised how unfit I was, or how hard it is to cycle up a hill that is easy to walk up- until I owned a bike. But with these frosty photos from this morning and the sunset images of our cycle I'm sure you'll agree that the leg pain is worth it!!
I'm loving the weather and I hope you are too. I bought a new red lipstick this week on a three for two offer and I cant wait to wear it as it gets me excited for this cold weather and maybe snow *fingers crossed*. I'm off too work now so see you later.
Ps. I'm thinking of blogging a jewellery post as I tweeted it and got a response. So watch this space (twitter in links above or search @b3thkara)

Sunday 28 December 2014

We Moved!

These past few months have been super super busy!!!! We moved house, this is one of the reasons why I haven't blogged as much as we had no wifi. This made me very sad. But our home is beautiful but we're still settling in!
Oh and let's not forget christmas. One highlight was a carol service purely lit buy real candles, how pretty! 
I really hope all of you had a Christmas filled with family and those you love. I'm so ready for a new year whilst still reveling in What's happened already. I might even right a posg full of my and the worlds highlights! :) Here are just a few pictures of carols and candles, christmas and moving out.
love you all and have an amazing week - Beth