Saturday 22 March 2014

Blogging Block

I hate to have to write this but it's been a long time coming. I haven't blogged for ages now and before that Posts started becoming irrigular. 
That sucks.
I want to blog.
But I don't like that many of my posts are rushed and half hearted and simply generic because of lack of time on my behalf.
I want my blog posts to be full of what I would want to read and enjoy what I can take away from it. So this is my announcement:

From this day I am BANNING myself from BLOGGING.

I will still be on twitter, instagram and facebook (but hopefully a lot less... she says....). All the links are in my navigation bar at the top- feel free to find me on email or google+ too. BUT this is not all it seems. It is TEMPORARY!!! A levels are my priority right now I hope you understand. 
I want to pour my time and heart into blogging and I feel in the middle of exams I won't achieve this.

So I'm planning a RE-LAUNCH.

Between the 21st and 25th of JUNE.

I have so many new and fresh ideas for posts that I'm bursting to share just for you. I CANNOT WAIT.  JUNE HURRRY PLLEASEEEE ♥♥♥♥♥

My temporary farewell image is from my instagram (@bethanypars - I'll follow back) of my dog belle. She is literally the dog version of miley... hair up, tongue out.